Music sharing : crime?
Friday, October 16, 2009 by Sean Cho
Ok, Im sure that everyone who has MP3 players, or iPods if you prefer, or at least a computer at home would have committed a 'crime' of music sharing or downloading music illegally from the web or file-sharing services, more than few times already for most of us and for some of us, it could be a part of the daily routine to discover new music and hunt for it on the internet to download it. Now, this music sharing and illegal downloads are, as it reads, illegal. Yar Majid, supports this statement by saying that downloading music without paying for it is clealry a 'crime'.
Despite the truth that we're committing this crime on a quite regular basis, (assuming that we are all music-loving students under extreme financial burden of being a full time student? Maybe it's a lame excuse but well.) there are clearly a distinctive advantage for both the music producers and listeners, because most of the listeners would be more than happy to spend thier money on the next albums coming out, from this certain band/artist if they really liked it, after listening to thier song that he/she downloaded from the internet. This initially builds on a fan base, even though its being done illegally. I don't know and sure about other people but I always tend to listen to few songs at least, but preferbly whole album, before i decided to buy the physical album. There are always new artists I discover (?) and happy to pay the price for the music they provide. This could just an excuse of being a music pirate but in this technocultural society, such process has become more than common for most of the young generation.
Despite the truth that we're committing this crime on a quite regular basis, (assuming that we are all music-loving students under extreme financial burden of being a full time student? Maybe it's a lame excuse but well.) there are clearly a distinctive advantage for both the music producers and listeners, because most of the listeners would be more than happy to spend thier money on the next albums coming out, from this certain band/artist if they really liked it, after listening to thier song that he/she downloaded from the internet. This initially builds on a fan base, even though its being done illegally. I don't know and sure about other people but I always tend to listen to few songs at least, but preferbly whole album, before i decided to buy the physical album. There are always new artists I discover (?) and happy to pay the price for the music they provide. This could just an excuse of being a music pirate but in this technocultural society, such process has become more than common for most of the young generation.