graphic or sociol

Video gaming has always been associated with masculinity as noted with most games such as Grand Theft Auto 3 and intensely graphic first person shooters such as F.e.a.r one and two. While females are noted as being more social and playing more interactive games such as the Sims online gaming has eliminated this differential line and made both important parts of today’s online gaming culture.

For many online mmorpg or rather mass multi online role playing game the social network is the most crucial part in making games such as world of warcraft or never winter nights enjoyable. Like online forum sites communities are created through people around the world in this online world where people view each other through their online avatars. Here communities and groups are created in the form of guilds, a group of different people under one banner helping each other. This is a significant factor in online gaming as players a required to play in groups in order to complete some of the harder quests that cannot be completed alone. It can be said that this is in strong contrast to many who say world of warcraft results in isolation and lose of social life and friends.
The link above takes you to article about online friends and how they eventually meet up.

In games like world of warcraft the difference between gender influenced games has become somewhat removed as hack and slash, goal and quest orientated boys' gaming has become part of the social interactive, meeting new people aspect of girl gaming