SNS - an addiction or a relationship?

It goes without saying that almost everyone who has access to the internet is bound to have an account on a social networking site. I for one admit to having a facebook account that i visit more than once a day.

I came across an interesting "status" on one of my friends accounts the other day that said:

"[NAME] doesn't know how to break up with Facebook :/"

It's interesting to see how people refer to Facebook, and other SNS for that matter, these days. A lot of us would think of it as an addiction. But if we think about it, could it be more of a relationship we have with our accounts? We're obviously in so deep that we don't realise it but the way we treat our accounts can almost be described as how you would treat someone you're in a relationship with. We're so attached to our accounts and what it has to offer us we end up treating it like something we can't live without.

I guess in this case Facebook wears the pants where it's our master and we're its slaves.