Pedersen and Macafee’s study shows how men tend to write blogs with a more informative and inquisitive quality whereas women’s blogs tend to be like diaries since they acquire satisfaction from ‘thinking out loud’.
Initially I didn’t pay much attention to it; I thought it was relative, not necessarily true, even though I (a woman) have thought many times about writing a blog, which would probably end up being about my own experiences. But it wasn’t until I was reading the last posts in our very own blog that I came to realize how much of this research is actually true.
If we look at the last two posts for example where DGreen, a male, provided us with a research about the profile picture’s world of Facebook, we see that Pedersen and Macafee’s study is accurate. In addition, if we look at the latest post by woman, Victoria, we can see the ‘diary style’ of it, associated with women’s blogs.
Still not quite sure if it was a major coincidence or if the research was actually right, I decided to do my own investigation. I ended up finding a website called ‘Blogs By Women’ , very suiting, and found out that an overwhelming majority of the blogs fits under the ‘Personal’ category, followed by ‘Arts and Entertainment’ and the ‘Shopping’.
Unfortunately I found no equivalent website listing male blogs, but I have evidence enough to believe in Pedersen and Macafee’s study, and I am pretty sure that if I did found such blog, after the ‘Porn’ category being the most popular, I would find something very opinionated either about sports or politics.
One blogging style is not necessarily better than the other; how boring the world would be without differences.

And I'm sorry about any grammar mistakes, english is my second language...