Daily Obsessions
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 by Hazel Gibson
Hi 314,
I was thinking today about how I (usually) never go more than a few hours without using the internet to check my emails, visit certain sites etc. Some of the websites I use daily fulfil basic communicative functions (for example email and social networking sites like Facebook) whilst others are vacuous indulgences that for the most part don’t add any value to my life, yet I find myself going back to time and time again. I'm sure this sounds pretty familiar to you all?
So just for interest’s sake, leave a note in the comments section with a list of the websites you visit religiously. You’ll probably learn quite a bit about the other people in your class just from the sites they visit!
To start us off, here's the sites I go to every day, some of which are potentially quite embarrassing (coughPerezHiltoncough):
Cecil/Auckland University
Vice Magazine
Perez Hilton
NZ Herald
- Hazel -
I was thinking today about how I (usually) never go more than a few hours without using the internet to check my emails, visit certain sites etc. Some of the websites I use daily fulfil basic communicative functions (for example email and social networking sites like Facebook) whilst others are vacuous indulgences that for the most part don’t add any value to my life, yet I find myself going back to time and time again. I'm sure this sounds pretty familiar to you all?
So just for interest’s sake, leave a note in the comments section with a list of the websites you visit religiously. You’ll probably learn quite a bit about the other people in your class just from the sites they visit!
To start us off, here's the sites I go to every day, some of which are potentially quite embarrassing (coughPerezHiltoncough):
Cecil/Auckland University
Vice Magazine
Perez Hilton
NZ Herald
- Hazel -
Uni website
NZ Herald
I wonder how many people use Gmail now in comparison to good old Hotmail?? Hmmm.
Hmm, no absolute daily fixes except webmail (though I've been trying to go cold turkey on Sundays of late - with mixed success). But almost daily fixes (and big distraction / procrastination) tools include:
The Guardian
BBC News
The Herald
Arts and Letters Daily
Boing Boing
Lastfm (until recently when they introduced subscriptions)
One Good Move
Surely i'm not the only one who absolutely MUST visit 1-day.co.nz every sinlge day. Even though i have only ever actually purchased about 3 items off the site i'm always there as soon as the new bargains of the day are posted.
My browsing patterns can change quite a bit depending on what I'm doing. For example, I've quite often had to follow sites quite closely for work-related reasons that I'd have no interest in otherwise.
However, right now my daily list is probably something like:
NZ Herald
The Guardian
Public Address
The Big Idea
You Tube
And as of this week - Blogger and Uni-mail.
Given that each of these sites generally leads me to others I really hate to think how much actually time I spend online.
...actually time?
As opposed to virtually time?
I think it's a bit like bullet time.
Haha! Perezhilton is such guilty pleasure, akin perhaps to home and away or tabatha's salon takeover...